About the SOTK
Founding members were: Wendy N. Panattoni, H. Miles, Don MacDonald, Michael Fenwick, C. Sawchuk
The original name was The Kootenay Chamber Orchestra Association, later to be renamed The Symphony of the Kootenays.
The Symphony of the Kootenays, through the efforts of our artistic and musical director, participates in an active educational outreach program, bringing classical orchestra music to the classroom.
The orchestra has entertained more than 80,000 audience members, employed more than 5,500 musicians playing more than 600 pieces in more than 225 concerts.
We are the smallest community in Canada to host a professional symphony orchestra.
Musicians are paid professional fees for service. Students are given an honorarium.
Each concert costs approximately $25,000. We strive to cover 45 percent of costs via ticket sales.
The remainder is through funding bodies, sponsors, donors, advertisers and memberships
How can you support us?
1. Subscribe to and attend our concerts
2. Become a symphony member
3. Donate as an individual
4. Sponsor as a business or group
5. Bequest and endowment
6. Advertise in our program
7. Volunteer